

    University of Louvain (UCL)
    Founded in 1425, settled in 1971 in Louvain-la-Neuve, UCL is a complete and multisite university. The institution has three missions : to teach, research, and serve society. UCL is the first french-speaking university in Belgium​, its talent pool actually consists of 30,000 students, with about a fifth of international profiles from 123 nationalities. Over 3,000 researchers and doctorates work in 200 laboratories, 21 research institutes, 33 technological platforms, 74 research centers and 2 university clinics. Proactive in regional development, open to the world, UCL puts its know-how and expertise at the service of society, and this especially benefits the tenants of Louvain-la-Neuve Science Park.

    Intercommunale du Brabant wallon (IBW)
    One of the main parties involved in economic development in the province of Brabant wallon since 1966, IBW is structured in three business areas : economic expansion, wastewater treatment, and waste management. IBW comanages Louvain-la-Neuve Science Park since its creation in 1971. It equips and infrastructures available plots of land, ensures promotion, and welcomes innovative companies in its own facilities based in the science park.


    Inside the University of Louvain (UCL)

    INESU is UCL's real estate arm since the creation of Louvain-la-Neuve in the late sixties. This designation covers two distinct structures, INESU IMMO and INESU PROMO. INESU IMMO Ltd is involved in all non academic urban development projects, both in Louvain-la-Neuve and Brussels. It also manages 341 properties for the university or third parties - offices, shops, housing, parkings - and the transfer of long lease rights on university-owned lands. INESU PROMO, a nonprofit organization, manages the Tourism Office and Louvain-la-Neuve Science Park.

    Louvain Innovation Network
    UCL's network dedicated to entrepreneurship, innovation, and international openness. The six partners that compose it are University of LouvainLouvain Technology Transfer Office, VIVES II Investment Fund, UCL's incubators Centre d'Entreprise et d'Innovation and Brussels Life Sciences Incubator, Mind & Market, and Louvain-la-Neuve Science Park.

    UCL Employment Services
    Multidisciplinary interlocutor that orients university students and graduates in their search for an apprenticeship or a job. Advantage for companies : potential employers can deposit their job offer online and manage it free of charge.


    Local and regional

    Alliance Centre BW
    Local business association open to companies from Louvain-la-Neuve, Mont-Saint-Guibert and Wavre. This network supports entrepreneurship, promotes common interests, and offers advantageous services and lobbying to its members.

    Municipal and administrative authorities
    The city of Ottignies - Louvain-la-Neuve and the municipality of Mont-Saint-Guibert

    Wallonia's Agency for Export and Foreign Investment (AWEX)
    Regional public interest entity, AWEX is in charge of promoting foreign trade and attracting foreign investors. Seven regional offices, 450 people and a network of Economic and Trade Attachés deployed in more than 100 countries assist walloon SMEs with their exportation projects They also inform international companies over settlement opportunities in Wallonia

    Wallonie-Bruxelles International (WBI)
    Public agency in charge of the international relations for Wallonia-Brussels. WBI supports entrepreneurs and fosters cooperations thanks to bilateral agreements with over 70 countries and diplomatic delegations based in a network of 17 countries.

    Wallonia's Technological Incubator provides the missing link between idea and market achievement in projects emerging from engineering sciences. A multidisciplinary team performs free of charge close guidance on projects for a period ranging between three and seven years. Louvain-la-Neuve's antenna is stationed in UCL's incubator Centre d’Entreprise et d’Innovation

    NCP Wallonie
    Wallonia's national contact point is the best ally of companies, universities and research centers willing to get involved in a European research and innovation project. They offer advice, guidance, and customised support free of charge, hence maximizing the chances of securing funding from the Walloon region and the European Commission.
